You’ve heard it said over and over again that self-love is the key to attracting and keeping love in your life.

But how do you maintain that love when life gets in the way, stuff happens, you lose your job or a big account, you’re living paycheck to paycheck, you have kids or co-workers that don’t do what you want them to do, you don’t have the freedom to take vacations when you want and you don’t have the time to do the things that make you happy?

In my work with clients for the last 30 years in the area of personal transformation, I have found that the key to self-love is Living A Life You Love. When was the last time you asked yourself “What would I love?” Not what is possible or practical or realistic. When you make a decision about your goals, where to move, which project to work on, what to order from a dinner menu, do you ask yourself what you would love or do you ask yourself what “should” I get or what “could” I do or what would guarantee me success?

Download your Dream Builder Blueprint

If you are like the majority of the population, you’ve lost touch with your dreams, with your passion, with the drive from the deep core of who you are. Instead, you’ve taken the path of least resistance, the path that others have said you should take. You’ve done what was comfortable and you’ve stayed in places far too long because the fear of the unknown was far worse than the pain and discomfort of the possible.

Working hard for something you don’t love is called stress. Working hard for something you love is called passion. I invite you to choose passion over stress, love over comfort and dreams over practicality.

Someone who demonstrates love, who attracts love and who emanates love is someone who is authentic, has charisma and an energy about them that says I am true to myself and true to my dreams. They are living on purpose, doing what they love and loving what they do. They see possibilities for themselves and go for their dreams, no matter how scary the unknown terrain may be.

In this free “Dream Builder Blueprint” I guide you through a simple process of getting in touch with the dreams in your heart and begin to get clear on what would give you life. Your joy, your happiness is your inner GPS. This is a guide to your soul’s higher purpose and you passion. I invite you to take your time to complete the blueprint, this powerful first step to living a life you love.

Click here for your Complimentary Dream Builder Blueprint

When you have completed this step, email me and let me know what your intentions are. My second Valentine’s gift to you is a complimentary session (normally offered at $500) where I will calibrate your vision so that it is the most powerful source for beginning to Live The Life You Love. I have set aside limited time for you so complete it as soon as possible before all spots are taken. This offer is only good for the month of February.

Have a Beautiful Valentine’s Day. May your day and life be filled with love, joy and passion.

With peace and many blessings,

Trez Ibrahim and all of us at Life Mastery Solution

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